Friday, March 29, 2013

Be the Fan You Would Want to Have

Over time I have seen a growing upward trend in fans wanting more and more from the bands they follow. Wanting to know every little detail of their favorite band members life: who they are dating, what they had for dinner, what they are doing at every second of their life. Part of this comes from the increase availability we have to connect with each other through Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr (etc.). While I am in no way stating that is is a band thing, I think that there is a fine line that many fans blur. A thin line of  being just a, to just being curious to stocking.

While I too love finding out as much information as I can about my favorite bands. Let's face it, I would love to make a career out of interviewing bands. However,  I had a revelation the other day and realized if I had hundreds if not thousands of people wanting to know as much as they could about me how much would I give to them?  How much could I handle? 

We all need our personal privacy and band members are no different. You don't share your daily life story with everyone. Let's not expect them to do so either. So the next time you tweet a question and don't get a response back, don't get upset, take a will go on! Respect the band members and their personal life.  Be a fan for the music first and if you happen to find a friendship with the band it is only that much better. Be respectful, and think about how you would
feel if you were on the other side of the situation.

Where do you think the line is between being a fan and stocking? Let me know your thoughts on Twitter @beyondtheradio or leave a comment below. 

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