Monday, July 8, 2013

Belieber's Unite

Sunday July 7th, 2013. This date will forever be a young 12-16 year old girls favorite day. Justin Bieber made a stop in Des Moines, Iowa on his Believe tour last night at Wells Fargo Arena. Fans flocked the area early in the day to try to get a glimpse at their favorite pop star. One group of fans who were with out tickets, held up a home made sign asking Justin to give them tickets. Luck would have it he did, and also brought out the girls food as a thanks for taking the time to wait around all day for him.

As the day went on more and more fans showed up at the arena. Local radio station Kiss 107.5 had a booth  set up for fans to enter to win the chance to meet Bieber, but that's not all the station had for fans who were waiting around. Around 5:00 Mike Posner, who is most well know for his song "Cooler than Me" came out to greet the hundreds of fans who were waiting around.

It's 6:00 and the doors finally open! Fans rush into the arena, 7:00 hits and Mike Posner opens up the night. Posner played all the crowd favorites, and a few new songs in the mix as well. Posner address the audience and gave them a reminder to never give up on their dreams, saying: " Work hard, smile and believe. Your dreams are not as far away as they seem! I'm in the middle of one right now!"

Second opening act, and my personal favorite,
Hot Chelle Rae, best known for their songs "Tonight Tonight" and " I Like It Like That" took the stage, Lead signer Ryan Follese had every person in the dancing through the whole set. It was amazing to see this band from Nashville, playing such a large arena when just two years ago they were opening for native Florida pop punk band We The Kings, in Iowa City at the Blue Moose Tap House.

Hot Chelle Rae finished and Belieber's were getting louder and louder in anticipation for Justin to take the stage.  Disappointment filled the arena when Justin took over an hour and a half to finally start his show. This is not unusual behavior for the 19 year old signer, in the spring he was more than 2 hours late to start a show in the U.K. At moments fans where Booing the pop star for making them wait so long.

Once the lights finally fell, young fans forgot about the long wait and the arena went up in a roar. Even though I am not a huge fan of Justin's I have to admit that he put on a great show, and if I was 14 again I would have thought the night was the best night of my life. However, I am grateful that I only paid $30 for my ticket.

Find more Pictures of the night at:

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