Friday, February 8, 2013

Dead Turquoise

Dead Turquoise is a one man band from Ohio, but get all the preconceived notions of one man bands out of your head right now. This is definitely not the guy you see roaming the streets with the big drum on his back, and guitar in his hands.   Ted, the guy behind the band describes his music as “Dreamy, Sludgy, Surf-Punk”.  A mix of punk, heavy metal and dreamy reverby music, this project started as a result of wanting to combine both.  When asked about the name behind this one man band project, Ted explained the meaning first started out as a way of incorporating both the metal punk sound (Dead), and the more laid back surf sound (Turquoise). After Googling the name, Ted found a deeper meaning in it; through a story about living and dead turquoise. Living Turquoise is the bright healthy looking color; whereas dead turquoise is dull and has a white or black look to it.  Ted at the time was going through a rough part in his life, going to school out of state and eventually dropping out. He made the decision that he can choose to either be the dead dull turquoise or be the living turquoise. Describing it further as we can choose to let things in life get us down or we can choose to defeat what lies in front of us.

"There also exists as well the concept of living and dead turquoise. Living turquoise has a healthy blue color, whereas dead turquoise has turned either white or black. In the natural aging process of turquoise, exposure to light and body oils darkens the color, eventually turning it black. Tibetans compare this to human aging and death.”

Dead Turquoise is still in the early stages of development; however, you can go check out the music at . You can also be on the lookout for a full length album, which Ted hopes to have released sometime in the next year.  If you would like to support Ted and the work he is doing with Dead Turquoise he says the best way is through word of mouth: “ If you like it tell your friends, show your friends and if you like it enough buy a t-shirt”.

Find out more and keep up-to-date with Dead Turquoise by checking out the links below:

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